Reading Assignment #03


  1. まずは記事を読み大意を把握する。
  2. 語彙トレーニング1(単語カード)
    • カードをめくり、英語の音声をリピートし、次に意味を確認しましょう。自分で英単語を発音することが重要です。
  3. 記事の内容を理解しながらしっかり読む。
  4. クイズに取り組む。(解答は公開されません。仲間と意見交換して適切な答えを探すのも良いでしょう)
  5. もう一度記事を読んで理解を確認する。
  6. 語彙トレーニング2(ディクテーション)
  7. Further studies
    • 記事のトピックについてリサーチする
    • 記事のサマリーをまとめる
    • 著者について調べる
    • 関連記事を読む
    • その他

nature NEWS


Materials science: Long-lived electrodes for plastic batteries

Byungju Lee & Kisuk Kang





Exercise 1 Answer the following questions.

    1. In the passage, Kolek et al. reported a battery electrode based on an organic polymer that could help to overcome challenges the current batteries had. What type of batteries are researchers aiming to develop with an organic polymer?
      1. a. To develop rechargeable batteries, using lithium-ion found in smartphones and many electric vehicles in order to fulfil future demand of energy supply.
      2. b. To develop rechargeable batteries that are reliable, affordable and sustainable to fulfil future demand of energy supply.
      3. c. To develop conventional batteries that smooth out unpredictable costs and environmental issues associated with their use.

      4. 2. The word “benign” in “the use of large amounts of transition metals is neither sustainable nor environmentally benign” is closest in meaning to
      5. a. kind and gentle
      6. b. pleasant or beneficial
      7. c. not malignant

      8. 3. What is true about battery electrodes, which conventionally consist of transition-metal oxides, such as cobalt or nickel oxide?
        1. Metals used for these battery electrodes are abundant, making production cost of batteries stable.
        2. Metals used for these battery electrodes have a smaller CO2 – emission footprint.
        3. Metals used for these battery electrodes are concentrated in certain conflict-prone countries, making production cost unstable.

      9. 4. The word “intrinsic” in “other intrinsic problems of organic electrodes include the fact that they dissolve in electrolytes” is closest in meaning to
        1. innate, natural
        2. indispensable
        3. intractable

      10. 5. The word “vulnerable ” in “In high-capacity batteries that involve the transfer of great numbers of electrons, this charge localization causes free radicals to form, making the molecule unstable and vulnerable to side reactions” is closest in meaning to
        1. fragile
        2. susceptible
        3. unprotected

Exercise 2 Choose the correct word or expression to complete each of the following sentences.

1. Conventional batteries might not fulfil future demand because of the limited ( ) of the metals needed to make them.

    1. sustainability
    2. availability
    3. reliability

2. A substantial rise ( ) battery production is thus considered inevitable.

    1. on
    2. in
    3. for

3. However, batteries ( ) electrodes contain organic materials have short cycle lives and low power capabilities, ( ) make charging slow. 適切な組み合わせを選びなさい

    1. which, which
    2. whose, which
    3. that, which

4. The energy storage they provide helps to ( ) spatial and temporal fluctuations in energy supply and demand.

    1. make out
    2. smooth out
    3. solve out

5. The polymer also enables an operation voltage of 3.55 volts, which is comparable with ( ) of conventional electrodes.

    1. kind
    2. those
    3. that


Do your own project!

See you in class!