Reading Assignment #06


  1. まずは記事を読み大意を把握する。
  2. 語彙トレーニング(単語カード)
    • quizletのカードを利用します。英語の音声をリピートし、次に意味を確認しましょう。自分で英単語を発音することが重要です。
    • 語彙リスト(フル)には4つのリーディングアサインメント全ての語彙が掲載されています。活用してください。
  3. 記事の内容を理解しながらしっかり読む。
  4. Quizに取り組む。(解答は公開されません。仲間と意見交換して適切な答えを探すのも良いでしょう)
  5. もう一度記事を読んで理解を確認する。
  6. Further studies
    • 記事のトピックについてリサーチする
    • 記事のサマリーをまとめる
    • 著者について調べる
    • 関連記事を読む
    • その他

1. nature NEWS

Article Title

‘Little Foot’ hominin emerges from stone after millions of years

Scientists are starting to piece together the evolution of a 3.67 million-year-old early human who may have been among the first to walk like we do.

2. 語彙トレーニング

3. Quiz

Answer the following questions.

1. Which of the following is the word "excavation" in section 1 closest in meaning to?

a) digging out

b) removal

c) extraction

2. What does "bipedal walking" found in section 2 imply?

a) The owner of the excavated skeleton walked exactly like modern humans.

b) The owner of the excavated skeleton walked using only two legs.

c) The feet of the owner of the excavated skeleton were exactly like those of modern humans in shape.

3. Which of the following may Robin Crompton have suggested when he said, “It’s almost a miracle it’s come out intact” found in section 3?

a) The skeleton was flawless.

b) There was little damage to the skeleton.

c) No part of the skeleton was missing.

4. Why was the skeleton found given the name "Little Foot"?

a) Because her feet were smaller than those of Bigfoot.

b) Because the size of her foot bones was not as big as expected.

c) Because her feet were small.

5. Which of the following is the word "invaluable" in section 5 closest in meaning to?

a) very precious

b) not valuable

c) expensive

6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason that it took so many years to excavate the skeleton?

a) The researchers had to use so many different kinds of tools.

b) The pieces that made up the skeleton could have been easily broken.

c) The bones that constituted the skeleton were softer than the rock in which they were embedded.

7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

a) The age of the skeleton remains.

b) The height of the owner of the skeleton.

c) The age of the owner of the skeleton when she died.

8. Based on which of the following did the researchers involved in the excavation come to the conclusion that Little Foot walked upright?

a) Her feet were like those of us modern humans.

b) Her legs are longer than her arms.

c) The species that she belongs to appeared later than the species of Australopithecus.

9. Which of the following can replace the word “constitutes” in section 18?

a) is comprised of

b) is equal to

c) belongs to

10. Which of the following does the title of the article "'Little Foot’ hominin emerges from stone after millions of years" suggest?

a) Little Foot lived in the Stone Age.

b) Little Foot was embedded in rock.

c) Little Foot was confined in rock.