Reading Assignment #08


  1. まずは記事を読み大意を把握する。
  2. 語彙トレーニング(単語カード)
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    • 語彙リスト(フル)には4つのリーディングアサインメント全ての語彙が掲載されています。活用してください。
  3. 記事の内容を理解しながらしっかり読む。
  4. Quizに取り組む。(解答は公開されません。仲間と意見交換して適切な答えを探すのも良いでしょう)
  5. もう一度記事を読んで理解を確認する。
  6. Further studies
    • 記事のトピックについてリサーチする
    • 記事のサマリーをまとめる
    • 著者について調べる
    • 関連記事を読む
    • その他

1. nature NEWS

Article Title

‘Invisible’ mice reveal anatomical secrets

Technique that turns dead rodents clear uncovers surprising details about how the animals respond to injury.

2. 語彙トレーニング

3. Quiz

Answer the following questions.

1. Which of the following is the word "unprecedented" in section 1 closest in meaning to?

a) novel

b) impressive

c) significant

2. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the methods previously used to make organs transparent?

a) Internal structures that can be damaged easily may be disturbed.

b) How an injury or disease affects tissues cannot be made fully clear.

c) Fluorescent markers are hard to observe.

3. Which of the following is the word overcome in "overcomes" from section 4 closest in meaning to?

a) solve

b) defeat

c) control

4. Which of the following can NOT substitute for the word "see-through" in section 4?

a) clear

b) transparent

c) obvious

5. Which of the following procedures was NOT introduced by the vDISCO technique?

a) Hardening the entire body of a dead mouse.

b) Making the organs of a dead mouse see-through.

c) Preserving the whole body of a dead mouse for a long time down to the structure of every single cell.

6. Which of the following is NOT true of vDISCO?

a) The dead body of a mouse can become up to 60% smaller than before the technique is applied.

b) Nanobodies used, as they are, can move toward specific cell types by themselves.

c) The technique uses antibodies taken from certain animals such as the camel.

7. Which of the following is the order of the steps taken in the procedure of vDISCO

a) modify nanobodies to stick to proteins - keep a mouse in solvents - make nanobodies carry markers - force them into the circulatory system

b) soak a mouse in solvents - get nanobodies to carry markers - engineer nanobodies to stick to proteins - pour them into the circulatory system

c) submerge a mouse in solvents - modify nanobodies to stick to proteins - have nanobodies carry markers - pump them into the circulatory system

8. Which of the following is the word transport in "transports" in section 11 closest in meaning to?

a) carry

b) direct

c) promote

9. Which of the following is what happens when a mouse receives a traumatic injury in the brain and spinal cord?

a) Nerves in its forelegs also suffered.

b) Nerves far from the site of the injury also became damaged.

c) Its hindlegs' nerves degraded.

10. What did Hiroki Ueda, a biologist at the University of Tokyo, mean when he said, "kind of the direction for the future"?

a) He meant that the technique with vDISCO and nanobodies was so useful that many researchers would use it in the future.

b) He meant that he would direct more researches on the combination of vDISCO and nanobodies in the future.

c) He meant that he would give directions on how research could be done with the combination of vDISCO and nanobodies in the future.